Security Cameras
No security would be complete without surveillance cameras. We take security to the next level. We provide surveillance cameras, card access systems, security alarm systems. Because you can't always be there, we also provide usable App's for access through your cell phone and a login portal. Always have access to control users as well update and manage your choices in notification. Remote Arm / Disarm are standard features for security and video alarm information is also available.
Should you decide to take your surveillance system to the next level with video verification, we can provide the necessary tools that are needed for a complete security package end-to-end.

& Video
Property surveillance is a must in today's world. Slip and falls, theft detection and internal activity are just a few of the areas of concern. Other important factors to consider when choosing a business surveillance system are reliability of equipment, quality of service, flexibility of commercial features and integration with other systems such as card access and video verifications. We specialize in bringing you a complete solution that you can build on so no matter how your business changes, we can adapt to the change.
As a business security vendor we use only top-quality business surveillance products, warranty them so you don't have that concern and are here for changes or technical assistance. More than just cameras, we provide the service you'll need too.

Different than a video alert, video verification is a video service that, when triggered, allows our central station to review prior video events and continue watching the live video feed prior to police dispatch.
Video verification takes surveillance to the next level. Just as important, no more unnecessary police dispatches looking for an unverified burglar and no more Cry Wolf fines.